A mother shared her heartfelt story after her baby was diagnosed with Cerebral Atrophy and her husband passed away suddenly, where she felt abandoned and angry with God. But through repentance and turning to Jesus, she found comfort. During a revival meeting with Ps. Niko, she prayed wholeheartedly for her child, and a miracle happened: her baby’s skull hardened, and his development began to catch up with other kids. This renewed her faith and brought new hope to her family.
Up Next in Featured
Hope from Psalm 30:. Episode 214
In this podcast, Dr. Lee Roy Martin and Dr. Rebecca Basdeo Hill continue their study of the book of Psalms. This episode features a discussion of Psalm 30.
Wesmore COG - Pastor Kelvin Page - Au...
Westmore Church of God
Cleveland, Tennessee
August 11, 2024
Pastor Kelvin Page
Can one be with a lack of zeal and passion for God in the midst of a great move of God going on all around the world? How can we draw near to God's heart and and be open to his presence and will for our lives?Pastor...